The upgrade adds further new features which can easily be added to the DN-S5000 - just by loading a CDR. The new Plug Ins include MP3 playback and new Scratch Sound. MP3 playback supports V.B.R & C.B.R, includes Folder/File search, has ID3-Tag display for artist, album and title information, and is Play List Compatible in .m3u form.
The most significant innovation is the spinning platter, which accurately emulates a record deck and with a grooved vinyl disc, the real feel of a conventional record. The software upgrade’s new ‘Scratch Sound’ feature takes the experience even closer to vinyl authenticity. The marker point reference at the centre of the platter has also been updated, providing a visual indicator to Cut or Spin back to a particular beat or position - so the S5000 can be cued just like a record deck. Play Lock is also new - preventing accidental track change during play, and Platter Speed now corresponds to the pitch slider.
(Ruth Rossington)