Specified by FOH engineer Kevin Madigan, who had just finished an extensive tour with Crosby, Stills and Nash using a D5 and supplied via DiGiCo's US and Canadian distributors, Group one and Gerr Audio respectively, the SD8 was a good fit for the Stars tour.
"I already knew the SD8 would sound great," says Madigan. "And it fit the bill perfectly for this tour; great sound quality, functional layout, small footprint, and suitable input capabilities."
Madigan utilises 38 inputs for the SD8's 60 available flexi channels for the band and picks up 'racks and stacks' daily. "I usually run four or five outputs; left, right, sub, front fill and sometimes a balcony feed, then I time align and EQ the system all within the SD8" he says. "The FX on the SD8 are really a leap beyond what they were on earlier consoles, which means I don't need to carry anything else.
"There seems to be an improvement in the overall clarity and separation that can be achieved. The dynamic EQ and compression are great. Overall, I'm really happy."
(Jim Evans)