The SD7 is based around a new technology developed at DiGiCo, called "Stealth digital processing", and could ultimately bring a whole new dimension to digital mixing, the company says.
"The party was mainly to celebrate our MBO," says DiGiCo marketing director David Webster. "But it also gave us the chance to let our guests have a sneak preview of what we're working towards. The SD7 is purely a concept, but who knows what the real possibilities could be."
Stealth is a culmination of embedded FPGA and the new Tiger Sharc from Analogue Devices. John Stadius and Soundtracs were the first to ever use the Sharc, considered the best device for audio DSP and used by many of the leading audio manufacturers.
Once again, Stadius has performed a first: DiGiCo is the first company to use the new Tiger Sharc, two of which are equivalent to the processing power of 1.8 x the Sharcs in a D5 - and there are currently 39 of those in the D5. But that is only part of the story, the company says, as DiGiCo is using Tiger Sharc purely for FX.
(Lee Baldock)