Dimension has purchased six Q1 tops and six subs, along with six D12 digital amplifiers, purpose designed to power the system. "It was time we moved into line array technology, and it will enable us to quote more competitively on larger projects," explained general manager Mark Boden. "This is a discrete line array system and ultra compact - ideal for our corporate work," added project manager, Dave Rondeau. "If we need to extend the system we can simply sub-hire in."
Dimension made the decision following a system demonstration. Aside from its sonic attributes - making it deal for playback in the corporate sector - the company liked the idea that it can ground-stack as easily as being flown in the air. The new system is compatible with d&b 'E' and 'C' series products, which Dimension Audio already run in its hire fleet.
(Sarah Rushton-Read)