Kim Johansen, a consultant for the Danish DiGiCo distributors Soundware confirmed that DPA Sound Co A/S requested the three consoles; no selling of the products was required. According to Johansen, the reason DPA chose the desks again was because of the "flexibility of the DiGiCo systems, and the sound quality. DPA likes the fact that the same consoles have the ability to do theatre, corporate and music. The company also received great feedback from other users."
The desks have already been used for a number of tours with Danish bands, including those of Tina Dickow, TV-2, Big Fat Snake, Poul Krebs, Thomas Helmig and Nephew. "Comments made by sound engineers who used the desks on the tours include 'good preamps', 'lots of headroom', 'wider stereo perspective', and 'easy to use'," said Johansen. "I personally love the service you receive from DiGiCo. It's very good. There is always someone on the other end of a phone line to help."
(Jim Evans)