Rich Audio, headed by company founder Richie Braganza, purchased EAW's KF760 line array speaker system from Aditya InfoTech Ltd, EAW's Indian distributor, and Aditya's representative Dhruv Datta.
Rich Audio dispatched Lee Braganza, Rich Audio FOH and system engineer, to serve as head system tech for the event, held at the MGM College grounds at Nanded. The scalable system, under the care of Lee and Zura Braganza, was rigged up and powered for the first time directly at the venue.
Also used were Crown Macro-Tech I series amplifiers wired to an EAW UX8800 digital signal processor. The system consisted of left and right main hangs of up to six EAW KF760 full-range line array modules and two KF761 specialized wide-dispersion line array modules on each side, helping to meet coverage needs at the front of the audience areas.
The system's low end was enhanced with Lloyd Lee Company's Delta Sub 2181 dual-18-inch-loaded subwoofers, and Zura is quick to point out that Rich Audio will soon be adding 16 EAW SB1002 large format flyable subwoofers to its subwoofer arsenal.
"The setup worked out really well," noted Zura. "The different characteristics of these units prevent people in the front areas from getting nailed with the same focused sound that needs to be pumped out to the people in back. It really allows you to tailor the sound to keep it as close to a continuous level as possible, from front to back."
"To begin with a great sonic signature, and then add in consistency plus the ability to smoothly widen coverage with the KF761, and then top it off with the fastest-rigging system in the industry - you really can't go wrong with this system," added Lee. "I love the consistency of this system - it just sounds great. The EAW KF760 Series proved to be rich and clean sounding. We powered them with our new Crown Audio Macro-Tech I series amplifiers, and we provided a powerful, great-quality system. The KF760 system, as with all the EAW products we've used, truly raises the bar for system performance. We're very happy with the rig."
(Claire Beeson)