USA - In His Presence church in Woodland Hills, California, has always brought a dynamic media element into their church services but has upped the visual quality recently with high resolution LED video panels from Elation Professional. In 2012, an installation of 56 Elation EPV762 LED video panels added high resolution graphics possibilities to their 1000-capacity auditorium, and more recently a large centre screen made up of 90 EZ6 high resolution LED video panels has been added to replace their video projection system.

"The Elation video panels allow us to achieve the wow factor that our pastors were looking for and give us a great digital backdrop to use for sermons, praise of worship and other elements within the church," states David Lewis, who handles media and digital production at the church. "They really help to bring forth the message to the congregation."

Originally positioned as one centre screen, the EPV762 panels were split into a 7x4 configuration on each side of the stage with the new EZ6 panels taking centre stage as an 18x5 panel backdrop. The EZ6 panels were supplied to the church by Guitar Center Professional of Sherman Oaks, California.

"The EZ6 panels have really added to what we've been able to present in our services," says Dave Scott, media staff at In His Presence who adds that one of the advantages over their previous video system is that now their digital media 'pops' so much more visually. "It's so much cleaner, so much brighter and catches the eye so much more that it really adds to the experience. We can make backdrops thematic or specific to individual songs and because of the brightness and the fact that it is visually stimulating, it really adds to the experience."

Although the church uses various types of content on the panels, including motion graphics, video and still photography, the digital backgrounds always support the pastor's message or praise of worship team. "We try to bring everyone into the moment to feel the passion of the message," says David Lewis, "and try to do anything we can digitally that will help that."

(Jim Evans)

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