Duncan Baines of Xtreme AV acknowledges that the ergonomics of the EVID units are an important selling point. "Visually, this is a very good-looking cabinet, and its design fits in really well with the décor in a smart interior like Smollensky's."
EVID 6.2s offer high performance as well as aesthetic appeal. Smollensky's commissioned the new EV installation because the bar area has replaced its background music with a DJ. For similar reasons, Xtreme AV has installed EVIDs at the Hub Bar in Colchester. "The bar only opened about a year ago," says Baines, "but now it's got a late licence and a DJ, and it needs a sound system which can take a lot more punishment. We've put in six EVID 6.2s, powered by Dynacord S1200s, and this will more than meet their audio requirements as well as looking appropriately stylish."
(Sarah Rushton-Read)