In a campaign put together by MediaCom Outdoor and Impact, Viacom Outdoor's special projects team, the Love Actually buses form part of a wider campaign to promote the release of the hit movie. EMG, senior planner Ben Gordon and MediaCom Outdoor's Matt Styant, devised this highly innovative campaign to maximize high street presence for the client. The pulsating heart technology is made possible by a small electrical current through the drop stem of the T-Side.
The campaign, which was planned by Outdoor MediaCom and bought by Posterscope's innovation department, Hyperspace, runs for a month from 15 March and will also involve nationwide shopping mall six Sheets and national T-Side campaign. The outdoor activity will be supported with a national television, press and radio campaign, which was planned and bought by EMG, the entertainment arm of MediaCom.
Aileen Coulson, Universal Pictures Video, commented: "It is a fantastic piece of innovative advertising. Together with the heavyweight television, radio and press campaign, I strongly believe that the presence of the Elumin8 Love Actually Heart across the capital will provided the perfect solution to the classic 'how do we stand out from the crowd' dilemma.
Ben Gordon, EMG, said of the campaign: "This was a fantastic opportunity for Universal Pictures Video to be the first advertiser to use the Elumin8 technology. We are confident that this will ensure that the poster really stands out from the vehicle, ensuring maximum visibility and therefore create a huge talking point on the streets of London."
Nicky Cheshire, sales director Impact said: 'Developing new bus advertising techniques is always a challenge, so it's great to be able to bring new technology to the market place. The large red pulsating heart for the release of Love Actually is bound to attract attention on these dark winter evenings.'
(Sarah Rushton-Read)