Bringing the Sensor-dimming level of technology to portable dimmer packs, SmartPack is a thyristor-based, professional-quality dimmer that can go anywhere. Very compact (19-inch 2U rack mount), SmartPack is available with either six 15A dimmers or 12 10A dimmers and is ideal for smaller studios and theatres, touring companies, small road shows and band gigs.
The Source Four MultiPAR combines the unsurpassed optics and energy-savings of the acclaimed Source Four PAR (EA) with the functionality and flexibility of the classic batten. It is available in 3-, 4- or 12-lamp strips, as well as a 3x3 version with in-line switches. For lighting venues with unique needs, ETC also offers the Source Four MultiPAR in custom lengths.
Emphasis is a sophisticated lighting control console which has fused together ETC’s Expression and Express control consoles, with the new version of the WYSIWYG design and visualisation software. Emphasis controls the full range of DMX available on the ETCNet2 network - 32,767 EDMX values.Stand H8