In spite of difficulties faced as a result of the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano, which meant that invited speakers from several European states could not attend, the four-day conference saw audience figures top 800.
"Selador received a great deal of interest at the festival, thanks to its innovative colour mixing," commented Cotogni after the event. "The latest additions to the range - Vivid Fire and Vivid Ice - were specifically designed in response to user requests, who wanted luminaires offering light intensity across the warm red-orange-yellow palette or soulful shades of blue, indigo, cyan and green. The important thing, from a theatrical point of view, is that Selador renders skin tones in the very natural way that tungsten does, while using a fraction of the energy."
Then, a few weeks later, the first part of Selador's European tour opened with a presentation and workshop at Rome's Teatro Italia, attracting a range of lighting directors and from the theatre, film and TV industry. ETC project manager Davide Gabbani gave a series of presentations on stage to demonstrate the power and versatility of the Selador family of fixtures. An ETC Eos control desk was used to control luminaires as well as media server content.
In the theatre foyer, Cotogni and Gabbani were on hand to discuss and demo the company's range of desks from the Eos, Congo and SmartFade families. Later this year, the roadshow travels to Portugal, Spain and Greece to show local lighting professionals first-hand what Selador and ETC control desks can do.
(Jim Evans)