For the first time at such a high level EU summit, the Interpreter booths were located outside the main meeting room. Discreet broadcast quality cameras were placed strategically in the Great Hall and the images relayed to an adjacent Interpreter Marquee. Brahler provided a total of 22 interpretation booths in the marquee fitted with 67 CDS-VAN digital interpreter consoles.
Simon Sainsbury - MD of Brähler's UK operation - oversaw the entire project with a team of experienced conference technicians drawn from three different Brahler branches. He reports: "As the largest ever EU meeting of heads held outside a fixed conference centre in Brussels or Strasbourg and the first EU meeting ever to use remote interpreting, we knew we were facing some new challenges. I am very proud of my team and of the performance of our outstanding CDS-VAN digital system."
He adds, "During rehearsals we noticed a slight delay between the camera image displayed to the interpreters and audio signal they were listening to. In seconds we were able to drop in a virtual audio time delay and immediately we had perfect lip sync."
(Jim Evans)