Dave, Le Mark's national business development manager, tragically suffered a stroke in June 2015 and passed away one month later. Kirsty wanted to commemorate the anniversary of Dave's passing and at the same time find a way to thank and support both the Woodlands Centre at Hinchingbrooke and Addenbrookes Hospitals, which battled to save his life.
After discussing with friends and colleagues Kirsty's decision was to ensure it was a true celebration of Dave's life and the idea of a VIP Charity Ball was born. Forming a group under the heading of 'Friends of Huntingdon Charity' the event has grown and grown.
Kirsty says: "It's been incredible. Once people knew of the plans and the charities that would benefit, local business people came forward and wanted to help and get involved. We have been given amazing gifts and services to be auctioned and raffled on the night, with all money raised adding to our target of £20,000!"
Kirsty adds: "Sponsors have been so generous, taking tables of 10 so that both clients and staff can attend. Huntingdonshire business community has shown incredible community spirit and a willingness to help remember a colleague and support our wonderful Hospitals."
To date, 17 of the 20 tables have been sold for the event, which takes place at the Marriott Huntingdon on Friday 17th June. A table of 10 costs £650 and the individual ticket price is £65. Please contact Le Mark on 01480 494540 or email kirsty@lemark.co.uk for more information.
(Lee Baldock)