Flare Audio MD Davies Roberts comments, "We were brought in to replace the existing in-house system at the Indigo2 that comprises a total of 45 speakers and 32 amplifiers. We set up Stealth Array X4 as a ground stack to cover both the lower and upper tiers, comprising of just two X4H and two X4L Stealth Array a side, with just one speaker covering each side of each tier. Four CF182 double 18" bass enclosures were positioned each side with the entire system being powered by three PLM10000Q and two PLM14000 Lab Gruppen amplifiers.
"This was also a great chance for us to show off the horizontal coupling of Stealth Array X4 and just how efficient the system is. Some of the rear portions of the upper tier audience could not even directly see the speakers yet they received perfect balanced audio.
"The setup that we used at the awards is capable of providing loud and clear audio to 10,000 people which is crazy considering there are just two of each enclosure a side. Stealth Array was trucked to the Indigo2 in just one 3.5T truck. The system was designed to fit four enclosures neatly against a 3.5T trucks bulkhead, locking together so it is easy to secure safely, saving a huge amount of trucking space.
The Festival Awards Conference used the Flare Audio V Series. This system comprised of four V65 and four V12 bass enclosures powered by just one Lab Gruppen PLM 10000Q."
(Jim Evans)