Commissioned and funded by Glasgow City Council, and organised in partnership by nva and DF Concerts, the festival will "introduce light as an art form, creating an engaging and visually striking artistic experience at the festival site - whilst illuminating the beautiful, significant and often hidden architecture of the Merchant City".
The festival will coincide with Glasgow's hosting of the 2005 AGM of LUCI, the Lighting Urban Community International Association which promotes creative lighting strategies within urban contexts, of which Glasgow is one of only two UK members. Radiance has been commissioned as part of Glasgow City Council's £5.2 million investment in the city's lighting strategy.
nva's Angus Farquhar hopes to see the festival build to a similar scale and scope as Lyon's successful Fête des Lumières and Paris's Nuit Blanche: "Radiance will be a truly global celebration of light, and for three days we will transform the streets of the Merchant City into an extraordinary artistic experience that everyone will enjoy."
Says Geoff Ellis, CEO of DF Concerts: "Radiance promises to be a truly exciting addition to Glasgow's rich calendar of events. We plan to compliment the installations with some musical elements including commissioning new material from Scottish musicians."
(Jim Evans)