The focus of national rejoicing was the venerable Panathinaikos Stadium - a place of historic importance, for it was there in 1896 that the first Olympic Games of the new era were held. To ensure that the music and the speeches could still be heard clearly, the Greek Football Association hired sound and touring company Audiocontrol to provide sound reinforcement, by no means an easy task, firstly because the team lead by Renos Papapaschos had very little time to set the entire system up, and secondly because the stadium with its reverberant marble surfaces was designed in an era when sound reinforcement was unknown and represents something of a nightmare when the aim today is to achieve intelligibility. Nonetheless, just like the blue-and-white clad heroes of the turf, the Audiocontrol team took everything in their stride, ably supported by EVI Audio's Greek partners, Omikron Control S.A.
The sound system for the reception and victory celebrations In the stadium comprised of; eight Electro-Voice Xvlt, eight Electro-Voice Xvlsplus eight Electro-Voice Xsubs and in the Stadium forecourt; eight Electro-Voice Xb, eight Electro-Voice Xn, eight Electro-Voice Xbs and12 x Electro-Voice Xsubs.
(Sarah Rushton-Read)