"We are not a noisy disco pub which just needs high volume and lots of booming sound," says bar owner Lu Dong. " HK Audio loudspeakers, with its clean and dynamic response, truly fulfill our requirements. We made the decision to buy them immediately after the demonstration."
Melody Development put together a system from HK Audio's Premium series to provide the bar with the sound and atmosphere it was looking for. Four PR 115 15" subwoofers - two either side of the stage - are stacked on the ground, with two PR 112 compact full range cabinets per side in a Y rack on the subs. Two PR 112 M floor monitors are positioned on stage for the artists.
"Both the musicians who play here, and the customers who spend time in the bar, are very pleased with the sound, which perfectly compliments our atmosphere," concludes Lu Dong.
(Sarah Rushton-Read)