UK - Seven of i-Pix new mega-bight BB LED Washlights were used to light a performance in Bath Abbey by Flamenco legend Paco Pena as part of the 2007 Bath International Music Festival.

The large scale performance united Pena with the 25 strong Bath Camerata Singers, his own five flamenco singers, three guitarists, a percussionist and a flamenco dancer. The show followed on from the success of last year's Brian Eno collaboration with Bath Camerata at the Abbey.

Bath Festival's lighting designer James Loudon wanted some dramatic intense visuals to match the spirituality of the performance, but rather than "Whiz-bang effects, it needed sympathetic illumination on both the performers and the building" he explains. He also wanted to do something completely different to highlight the building's amazing architecture.

"I have known the i-Pix team from the start and so was confident that the product would be of excellent quality and not another "me too" device," says Loudon. "I think the BB will be a real winner and I'm looking forward to using them again."

All lighting kit (which included 14 ETC Parnels and four 650W fresnels on low floor stands to cover the downstage dancing) was supplied by Enlightened Lighting and crewed by Simon Marcus and Chris Drake.

(Jim Evans)

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