UK - Specialist design and printing company Sunbaba launched their new 'Block Out' material at this year's ABTT theatre show, 10th - 11th June.

Sourcing creative and innovative solutions for the theatres and production teams, Sunbaba's portfolio of materials are used for drapes, scenery and set designs across professional and amateur dramatics.

The new Block Out material allows its users to create two different images, one a printed image and the other a backlit silhouette. The material is first printed with the images that are to be rear blocked, then tested on a light box to ensure the image backlights perfectly, creating silhouette images when night falls.

Sunbaba's technical director, Trevor booth explains: "Block Out is a revolutionary solution that will be ideal to create theatre backdrops. We can use this technique and material to create 'night and day' effect wi

UK - With the high profile of the Cardiff Bay development in Cardiff which includes the Welsh Assembly and the Wales Millennium Centre, a new multi-storey car park, owned by Knight Frank LLP needed to integrate with this dynamic area. To achieve this, the architect Scott Brownrigg and lighting designer Paul Traynor PLDA of Light Bureau developed the idea of six wave shape structures to be installed on the long facade of the new car park.

The steel and fabric structures were manufactured and installed by Base Structures with the intention of the three-dimensional wave shapes to link the car park with the original purpose of Cardiff Bay and its connection with the sea. Another visual link with the sea was the requirement for the night time appearance of the wave to be lit using a combination of blue and white lighting.

Particular consideration was taken by Light Bureau in the sp

UK - Live event specialist tdc provided a high-tech communication solution for the final service by the Bishop of Sheffield the Rt Rev Jack Nicholls. More than 1,000 worshippers were able to take part in the service after tdc installed a special microwave link between Sheffield Cathedral, where the event was held, and the Cutlers' Hall.

The link was used to overcome the fact that although the buildings are so close together, there is no way of simply running a cable because of the tramlines and overhead power lines.

Bishop Jack is retiring after more than 10 years in his role in Sheffield. The event also marked the 40th anniversary of his ordination. The Revd Canon Simon Cowling, Canon Precentor at Sheffield Cathedral, said: "This was a really special event for the city so it was wonderful that, thanks to the technical expertise of tdc, we were able to share the service w

UK - London-based Haymarket Media Group is taking steps to increase energy efficiency, and has appointed Greenled Light to further reduce its carbon footprint through sustainable LED lighting.

These enhancements are already reducing Haymarket's energy output. Replacing the lights with Greenled's Antares lamps and adding PIRs in the corridors, lavatories and recreation zones has reduced energy use in these areas by 90%, and will further reduce its footprint by 74 carbon tonnes per year, in addition to saving the company in excess of £100,000 in electricity costs over the next 10 years.

Overhauling the lighting system at Haymarket is in line with the company's objective to phase out high energy usage halogen bulbs. Haymarket's sustainability manager, Nathan McLean says, "We explored a number of lighting options and settled on Greenled LEDs because they provide the rig

UK - When the Cottesloe Theatre was ready to retire its trusty d&b sound system after more than a decade of hard labour, Rich Walsh, Sound supervisor for the Cottesloe, was in do doubt that he wanted to remain with the same brand.

Technology has advanced in leaps and bounds since the original d&b system was installed, and now Walsh knew he could take advantage of a more compct and energy efficient footprint - specifying a system that could be remotely set-up, monitored and healthchecked over Ethernet.

He contacted the Theatre's regular audio suppliers, Orbital Sound, who delivered eight d&b E8 two-way multipurpose loudspeakers with a further eight E12-Ds providing bass extension via a long-excursion 12" driver. The rotatable 90° x 50° dispersion he knew would provide all the coverage he needed in the reconfigurable, 300-seat (maximum) studio theatre - whether set

UK - Lighting Technology Projects (LTP) has supplied and installed a low resolution video media wall, designed and specified by Speirs & Major Associates (SaMA) for the atrium of IPC Media's new London HQ. This is in the Blue Fin Building, part of the Bankside 1,2,3 development in Southwark.

Referred to SaMA by Architainment, the Philips SSL value-added reseller, LTP applied its specialist installation and engineering knowledge to fit the 9500 nodes of Color Kinetics RGB 'Flex SL' which makes up the 40m long by 3m high media wall.

SaMA worked with the building's architects, Allies & Morrison, to create a lighting concept for the space to make it an animated, vibrant and contemporary environment for the reception area.

SaMA came up with the concept of a low resolution LED media wall to act as the main illuminated feature within the space, spanning the entire length of the atr

UK - Central Sussex College's Phase 1 and 2 multi-million pound redevelopment of its Haywards Heath sixth form campus is now complete with an innovative new theatre space, The Hub.

The Hub is an exciting new venue incorporating the most up to date facilities and state of the art equipment and is a good example of the college's strong association with the performing arts. The space has been designed to effectively accentuate performances and students ability to perform at a professional level.

Stage Electrics was responsible for the installation, bringing to life the vision of a flexible and technologically advanced space for students and their performances. The brief was to install a technical system capable of supporting a new versatile 250-seat theatre dance studio, rehearsal studio and four rehearsal rooms.

The key objective throughout was to allow for flexibility within

UK - Cotswold Leisure Cirencester has provided an invaluable public sports facility in Cirencester for many years. But when faced with increased private competition and deteriorating conditions, Cotswold District Council took the decision to demolish its existing leisure centre and replace it with a new centre to meet the needs of its population for the next few decades. PEL Services Ltd was awarded the contract to supply, install and commission all the fire, security, safety and audio-visual systems for the new venue.

With a raft of new legislation in place to help protect the public and ensure all are treated equally, most notable of which is the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), special consideration has to be given to safety in a leisure centre. PEL Services installed a number of key assistance systems in Cotswold Leisure Cirencester including Personal Assistance buttons

USA - At its annual Member Meeting and Industry Forum during InfoComm 08, NSCA appointed two new members to the association's Board of Directors. Dave Ferlino, president of VistaCom, and Michael Hester, managing partner of Beacon Communications, will each join the NSCA Board for three-year terms.Andy Musci, president of Altel Systems, took the helm as president when Nancy Emerson, vice president of Vodaci Technologies, retired from the NSCA Board in June.

"Andy will continue to bring great enthusiasm and passion to the Board," said NSCA executive director Chuck Wilson. "We look forward to his leadership. At the same time, we thank Nancy and our two other retiring board members, Randy Vaughan and Rick Scharmann, for their hard work and dedication to NSCA."

Ron Pusey, president and CEO of Communications Specialists of Virginia, moves into the role of vice-pre

UK - Reviewing its own top ten theatres at risk for 2008 in England, The Theatres Trust welcomed English Heritage's new initiative to protect the nation's heritage. Of the 68 theatres in England on The Theatres Trust's Theatre Buildings at Risk register (TBAR), 34 currently face an uncertain future and are at high risk. The top ten theatres in the Trust's 2008 TBAR include theatres that remain empty, are under threat of demolition, neglect or unsympathetic redevelopment, and lack of funds for repairs and restoration.

Following the launch of English Heritage's new Heritage at Risk register The Theatres Trust highlighted the importance of its own work with local authorities, theatre owners and the public to secure historic theatres for future generations. Director Mhora Samuel added: "English Heritage is encouraging local authorities to make use of its new ambitious and syste

UK - The Event Safety Shop once again contributed to a safe and successful Glastonbury Festival. Health and Safety is at the forefront of festival planning, and this year saw important legislative developments - notably the Control of Noise at Work Regulations and the smoking ban; both of which affected the Festival for the first time.

TESS worked closely with Licensee Melvin Benn to develop policy and deliver practical controls to meet the needs of both pieces of legislation. Independent monitoring proved the measures were an outstanding success.

This year, TESS, used a new computerised file sharing system to improve the exchange of health and safety information between the Festival, contractors and service providers. The huge amount of documentation generated by the event - and the need to scrutinise safety information, insurances and so on means the easy sharing and retriev

Czech Republic - MC2 Audio distributor Dancefloor has completed a major frefurbishment of top Czech nightclub Luxor. Located in the ancient city of Ceska Lipa, near the Machasee and the Czech border with Germany, Disco Club Luxor has been a popular music venue and cocktail bar for the best part of 15 years, having been voted 'Best Loved Nightclub' in the Czech Republic as long ago as 1994.

Having been damaged by fire three years ago, Disco Club Luxor was forced to close and undergo a complete refurbishment. A dance space dominates the new-look club with sound, light, lasers and special effects all flown on a supporting structure high above the floor. MC2 Audio E25 and E45 amplifiers drive a Logic System line array with more than 10kW. Sound, lights and special effects can all be controlled by the resident DJ.

Dancefloor spokeswoman, Vera Zemanova, says, 'We set up a comparativ

USA - Nexxus Lighting Inc's Advanced Lighting Systems subsidiary completed a lighting project for the six-storey Elements Building, housing 7Stones Spas and Strega Restaurant in downtown Corvallis, Oregon. The Elements Building is silver-level LEED certified: LEED is a third-party certification program and the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. Corvallis was the first city on the West Coast and only the third city in the nation to receive the Green Power Community designation by the EPA.

"Advanced Lighting's eLum Cove RGB lighting was used throughout all three levels of the spa and the 2 upper levels for the bar and restaurant," said Paul Benton, regional sales manager for Advanced Lighting Systems. "Strega Restaurant, a sustainable restaurant and bar on the 5th and 6th floors, made extensi

France - Studio 8 of the Carrère Studios at La Plaine St Denis, Paris, has been kitted out with over 140 Robe moving lights at the request of DoP David Seligmann-Forest.

The all-Robe rig was installed by French supplier Impact Evénement and includes 15 ColorSpot 1200E ATs, 26 ColorWash 1200E ATs, three white ColorWash 250 ATs, 90 ColorWash 575 XTs, two white ColorWash 575 XTs and six ColorSpot 700E ATs.

The majority of the lights are hung in the studio's ceiling on special trussing - also supplied by Impact - and the white units are specifically used for floor level lighting of sets and other scenic elements.

The move followed Seligmann-Forest's extensive use of Robe on the 2007 hit reality show, Secret Story and also on Le Grand Soir d'Eliane et Francis. He comments, "I really like the Robe brand and am very happy with the equipment and the relati

UK - Orbital Sales is continuing to meet the increasingly versatile audio requirements of the BBC Radio Theatre at London's Broadcasting House, by supplying d&b audiotechnik components.

After meeting the specification for a major upgrade in 2007, Orbital recently provided theatre manager Mark Diamond with new E8 and E12 enclosures for portable use.

The events team already operates a portable d&b Q7 rig, provided by Orbital Sales, powered by d&b D6 dual-channel amplifier - which serves their needs where high gain before feedback is required.

For the permanent sound installation, overseen by IVC, Orbital Sales met the specification for a flown, décor-matched stereo system, based around two tops and three subs per side, designed by d&b audiotechnik's John Taylor. This combination of Q1 speakers (with rotatable waveguide) is augmented with Q-SUBS.

The theatre also has a

UK - This summer has seen the busiest festival season yet for Chris Beale Associates (CBA), whose packages of wireless, site-wide communications have been adopted by many outdoor events including Glastonbury, Download Festival, the V Festivals, Reading and Leeds, Latitude, T in the Park and Radiohead's Glasgow outdoor show, while corporate events have included shows for the Royal Horticultural Society.

The objective of CBA Wireless Events, the networking operations part of CBA, founded by Chris Beale in 2005, is to transform communications between the myriad companies and people scattered across event sites spanning hundreds of acres - Glastonbury's Worthy Farm being a prime example.

Today, Beale says that wireless is in demand across major event sites to an unprecedented extent. "It was our second year at Glastonbury in an independent role, contracted to supply IT, netwo

Show News - Loudspeaker manufacturer Tannoy makes a welcome return to the PLASA show after being absent for a couple of years. The company will be using the Earls' Court event as the platform for a first UK demonstration of its newest pro-audio product lines, VQ and QFlex, as well as exhibiting some of the existing V-Series loudspeaker range.

Executive News - Bandit Lites has announced that Peter M. Heffernan, a 30-year veteran, has been named president of the firm. Effective immediately, Heffernan will take the reigns and serve as both president and C.O.O., a role he has held for the last 15 years. This move comes at a time of growth for Bandit and is the logical step in taking the firm to the next level, says the company. Heffernan began his full time relationship with Bandit Lites in 1978 and he has risen through the ranks. He served as lighting director and/ or production manager f

UK - A famous Grade II-listed building in Leamington Spa has reopened as a vibrant multi-purpose venue, featuring Martin Audio line array reinforcement, following a £3.2m investment.

Dating back to 1926, when it served as the ballroom for the old Bath Hotel, the building still contains the original stained glass windows and the silver and gold leaf detail has all been reinstated.

With Leamington Sight & Sound (LSS) providing all the technical infrastructure (and acting as main A/V contractors), The Assembly has undergone a major transformation, with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen helping to turn the former Gala Bingo site into a 1,000 capacity entertainments venue.

Given a brief to provide an infrastructure that would make The Assembly Warwickshire's premier music venue, LSS managing director Ian Potter and his installation manager Colin Bannister

USA - An Allen & Heath iLive digital console system, iDR-8 digital zone mixer and six remote control PL Series wall plates have been installed at the Children's Theatre of Annapolis in Maryland as part of a full audio system recently completed by installer, Audio Plus.

Anew construction, the Children's Theatre hosts local and regional theatre productions as well as other events. The iLive system, comprising an iDR10 Mix Rack and iLive-80 Control Surface, manages FOH as well as monitor mixing duties, and the iDR-8 manages audio distribution for the main loudspeaker system, monitors, and zone speaker management. There are a variety of Allen & Heath PL wall plates installed at key locations throughout the theatre, providing remote control access of the system.

"The iLive/iDR integration is the perfect solution for theatre as it is infinitely flexible and has a ton of feature

The Netherlands / UK - Under the leadership of Mecanoo Architects from Delft, the Netherlands, a Dutch design team has won the international competition for the prestigious new Birmingham Library project, which includes a theatre.

The building is slated to be the "best public library in the world" and will have an area of about 31,000sq.m. The new library and theatre will be connected to the existing Birmingham Repertory Theatre, with which it will begin an extensive collaboration, making the site an international centre for knowledge, education and culture.

theateradvies bv is one of the team members and will work on the new theatre as well as the renovation of the existing Birmingham Repertory Theatre. The project is scheduled to be completed in 2013.

(Lee Baldock)

UK - PLASA Media has revealed this year's short-listed nominees for the prestigious Gottelier Award, and opened up the online voting form at the PLASA Show website.

The voting is open to industry professionals worldwide, and will remain open until 12.00 midday (UK time) on Friday 29 August 2008. The winner will be announced at the PLASA Show on Monday 8 September.

Named in honour of the late designer, developer and commentator Tony Gottelier, this award aims to recognise the tireless product developers who have made a significant contribution to the development of the equipment and tools that enable our entertainment technology practitioners to continually push the boundaries of event production, presentation and installation.

Last year's inaugural Award was won by Tony Andrews of Funktion One for his decades of dedi

UK - The promise of new technologies and applications, plus a dramatically expanded educational programme, has helped drive the PLASA Show to its highest-ever pre-registration figures, with a record total of over 10,000 industry professionals already registered to attend.

With the show a year on since its redesign, the one-floor, two-hall layout has been refined and expanded to allow for new and returning exhibitors, say organisers PLASA Events Ltd.

And with new products topping the 'wish list' of the majority of visitors, there's no doubt that PLASA08 will definitely deliver, according to show director Nicola Rowland. "There's a real buzz building around the wide range of technologies and expertise on offer at the show and how these can be applied across the industry. It's a unique chance to see how projects are being delivered, how lighting, sound and AV systems are bei

UK - Vaughan Sound Installations specified, supplied and installed a complete integrated digital signage system throughout Swansea's new LC2 leisure centre, together with sound systems for the Main Hall, Gym and Wave Pool areas, plus AV/presentation systems for three function rooms.

Previously known as Swansea Leisure Centre, the facility has recently re-opened after a £32 million refit as a state-of-the-art water park and health and fitness centre.

Llanelli-based VSI supplied 32 Mitsubishi LCD commercial displays of various sizes, which are installed around the building. In the reception area, a 10m semi-circular Trilite truss is flown in the ceiling, and fitted with five screens showing general information and opening times.

For the 'Peak' multi-level Gym, VSI supplied a full sound system consisting of two arrays of flown TOA F2000 speakers, carefully positioned to g

UAE - Gearhouse Staging Connections has secured an exclusive three-year appointment as the event services partner of the new 1539-room ocean-themed Atlantis, Palm Jumeirah - the flagship resort of the man-made palm-shaped island development The Palm Jumeirah in Dubai.

A culmination of almost two years of planning with Atlantis, Palm Jumeirah management, the contract marks the group's first foray into the high-growth venue services market in the United Arab Emirates.

Gearhouse Staging Connections will assemble an onsite team of 15 "world-class technical and client services personnel" from its Dubai and Australian operations to deliver conferences, concerts, launches and events of any scale at the prestigious resort. The company will also install a range of multi-million-dollar audio-visual technology into the resort's facilities.

Staging Connections Group CEO Michae

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