For facility planning and management, Special Lighting Solutions offers:
5A plan review specifically aimed at ensuring that the followspot positions in your facility are located and outfitted to offer the most flexibility and utility;
--Assistance in the selection of the correct fixtures for your specific facility and its multiple uses;
Support for the installation and commissioning of your followspots and a close working relationship with the Strong factory and its network of dealers;
Access to the only network of trained and certified followspot technicians world-wide.
Special Lighting Solutions also offers one-and-a-half to two-day training sessions on the troubleshooting and maintenance of Strong Xenon followspots. These are offered to Strong dealers, facilities, stagehands, and other interested parties. The training session teaches lighting technicians to solve common problems encountered during operation and maintenance of Strong followspots. Emphasisis usually placed on the Xenon Super Trouper, Super Trouper II, and Gladiators, and the associated power supplies. Other spotlights may be covered in the session by prior arrangement.
In addition to being product sales manager of the followspot product line for Strong Entertainment Lighting for nearly 20 years, Schmidt is a member of Local 42, IATSE, and a former lighting designer, and co-chairman of the ESTA/TSC Followspot Position Working Group.
(Lee Baldock)