This was the first time Nestle hosted a single event for the entire company. It was aptly attended by a thousand employees who lodged at Champagne Sports Resort and nearby surrounds for the three day conference.
"It was a massively long project," said Christopher Bolton from Keystone Productions, who was appointed the position by client Dithatha Productions. Keystone designed the show and took care of FOH and control, while MGG Productions were asked to supply power, lighting equipment and crew. Bolton's set design was built by Dream Sets.
2013 started with a bang as the Keystone team went into full throttle gathering all content, videos, pressi and powerpoint presentations. Having only received their brief for the Nestle event close to the annual year-end shutdown, it was a race against time to incorporate thirty individual presentations, with allowance for suggestions and any last minute changes prior to the event taking place on the 20 February. Watchout was used for a very complicated Video map and a Martin Maxedia was used to create the look and feel.
Bolton came up with an idea to utilize multiple shaped blocks at different depths to work as one white screen. "It's similar to projection on a building," explained Bolton. Video mapping was projected onto the wall, which cleverly tricked the eye to make the image appear 3D. The set included a small stage for presenters.
"Lighting did not take a back seat and it never will," commented Bolton. He says with the use of video, it becomes even more pivotal to ensure the person on stage is lit up correctly and that the fixtures do not wash out the video projections. "Sure video stimulates the eye but lighting stimulates the senses, creating a mood. The effective sweep of the beam or colour change, at the right moment, can create emotion."
Purposefully deciding against generics, the conference lighting included 18 x Robin 600 LEDWash, 18 x Robin 100 LEDWash and eight Clay Paky Sharpys.
"The Robin 600 LED Washes were used in Mode Five and I could control the different rings using different colours," he added. The units obliged with functionality, eye candy and their warm temperatures working well for the HD cameras. "We loved the ring effect and versatility of the units," said Bolton.
The Clay Paky Sharpys were positioned on deck "because of their ability to cut through the air like a knife cutting through butter."
The Gala Awards Dinner was split over two evenings where the Drakensberg Choir and Drum Machine provided entertainment.
Clay Paky Alpha Spots created a generic wash during the performance of the Drakensburg Choir but also did some gobo work on the set. The Sharpies created mid-air effects for the Drum Machine while Robin 100 LED Spots pointed down from the roof to enhance the main act.
In total the lighting gear for the Gala Dinner comprised of 24 x Robin 100 LED spots, 10 x Robe 700 Washes, 12 x Clay Paky Sharpys, six Clay Paky Alpha Spots 1500 HP and 24 Martin LC Panels. Both events were pre-programmed on the Martin Show Designer with the Martin Maxxyz Compact controllers.
(Jim Evans)