KLANG technology on song in Israel
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AEM, which was appointed by KLANG earlier this year, has been promoting the brand through a series of seminars and product demonstrations, including discussions on best-practice for in-ear monitor mixing.
This autumn, Shalom Hanoch and Matti Caspi took their show The Main Thing is The Songs on a tour of the country, with a KLANG system.
Shalom Hanoch sums up his feelings: “The KLANG system is a new era in hearing the stage. Everything feels so precise and deep that I can hear every note without disturbing my vocal - how on earth have we worked without it for so long?”
The tour was sold out and high demand has seen further performances added for later in the year.
For the seven musicians onstage, two KLANG:fabrik units were used in conjunction with a DiGiCo SD10, Sennheiser G3 IEM systems, Shure KSM 9 and DPA d:facto microphones.
KLANG:technologies head of sales, Phil Kamp, reflects: “We’re delighted that KLANG:fabrik played its part in helping to deliver such a well-received production. When musicians are relaxed and comfortably able to hear themselves in exactly the way they would choose, their performances will always be enhanced.
“Our aim is to create precisely that environment and this tour is yet more evidence that we are succeeding. AEM is a fantastic partner, trusted by Israeli musicians of the highest calibre and we are pleased at its swift progress in establishing KLANG at such a high level in the market.”
(Jim Evans)