The event, aimed at young people between 15 and 25 years of age, featured guest speakers, choirs, Christian bands and worship, and was broadcast live on Dutch national TV.
Van Baasbank's system design incorporated 72 Kudo cabinets powered by 30 LA8 amplified controllers. The system was deployed in two right and two left hangs of 18 cabinets each, with 24 SB218 subwoofers powered by 12 LA48s under the stage in cardioid mode. 16 Kiva ultra compact line source cabinets powered by three LA4s were also used - six as a centre front-fill hang and five groups of two stacked on 2m tripods near the edge of the stage.
Two pairs of ARCS line source cabinets powered by LA8s were also used to cover the audience between catwalk and stage at a downward angle of 90°.
Van Baasbank used of some of L-Acoustics' design tools to plan out the system, including Soundvision software and the LA Network Manager, which provides real time control and monitoring of the LA RAKs. "The LA Network Manager worked very well," says Van Baasbank.
(Jim Evans)