De Luca continued: "Our team has already provided Kudo to many different types of shows and venues, from firework to dance shows, from concerts to one man shows, and I must confess that all artists and technicians have appreciated the sound quality and power of Kudo. This confirms that we've made the right choice!"
In addition to the above event Kudo was used on 25 June for the tenth anniversary celebrations of the gay magazine "TĂȘtu". The one night show was staged at the famous Olympia in Paris (first music-hall in Paris), where six Kudo and 12 dV-Dosc have been installed.
French dV-Dosc provider Siwa based in Brittany has purchased a system of 14 Kudo boxes, 12 of which were used for the first time between 28 -31 July for the Cornouailles Festival, at Quimper Stadium. Also from 5 - 14 August, the 35th Interceltic Festival of Lorient used a Kudo system again provided by Siwa. Six Kudo were flown each side of the stage, and set at 110 degree.
Other events Kudo was used include the famous French festival the Francofolies (on France's south west coast, near Bordeaux). Madje Malki, certified V-Dosc Engineers from French V-Dosc Partner Potar Hurlant and one of the first L-Acoustics systems users says: "We got interesting results with Kudo at the Francofolies this year. The system is user-friendly and definitely very flexible, enabling us to change any difficult acoustic situation very simply". The Francofolies Festival shows how creative and diverse the French music is and totalled this year 120 artists performing on stage.
Last but not the least, Paris' La Cigale has just been equipped with a Kudo system; four pieces each side, plus two SB218 subwoofers per side, 2 MTD115b as stereo in fill and two EX112 as rear stereo delay (both being compact coaxial L-Acoustics speaker). The installation is complemented by a full L-Acoustics stage monitoring package consisting of MTD112b enclosures. The installation was carried out for the season's grand opening on 10 September. Manu Katché, Sixun and Johnny Hallyday are among the most famous artists planned to perform shortly at La Cigale.
(Sarah Rushton-Read)