The show design dictated that audio equipment stay invisible, yet provide powerful, clear sound and, above all, be unfailingly reliable. As Front of House engineer Dave Bracey notes, "It's a classy show and, even more than usual, nothing is allowed to go wrong.
"Designing the system was a challenge because there is a very clean look to the triangular main stage and strict requirements for sight lines and projection, so we had to fly all the K2 very high," says system designer and technician Ulf Oeckel, who, like Dave, has previously worked on tours by Pink and Cher. "The K2 was the perfect choice because, despite the sight line requirements, it gives us the projection needed to deliver Adele's voice to each and every fan in the audience."
And to make things even more challenging, tickets for the show were in such high demand that seating was arranged in a 270