The Cuboid was split into two areas - the Lounge and Promo area where nine plasma screens played promo videos and live feed of the Championships, plus camera demos.
The Visual Multimedia Area consisted of video projection, via three Sanyo DLP projectors, on three of the walls including two Wii gaming screens for visitors to play the new Summer Athletics 2009 Wii games. The other two walls showed Samsung sponsorship, sports advertising and archive footage. On the fourth wall were simple Samsung gobo projections. At night the Cuboid was lit up in an array of colours from LED batons placed inside.
The Cuboid consisted of a 14x8m double skin air-supported structure with three airclad doorways. Due to the double skin surface the interior of the structure is blacked out, so suited to interior projections during the daytime. LED batons placed in the walls illuminate the exterior at night.
(Lee Baldock)