LSU is one of the largest student union venues in the UK with a capacityof 3,400. Open seven nights a week, it plays host to a variety of DJs,bands and celebrity acts. The venue comprises a cocktail bar calledFusion; JC's traditional pub; Cognito, a retro room with illuminateddance floor; the main room, Room 1, incorporating a large stage anddance floor; a backroom bar, Bar 1; and Piazza, a large adjoining area.The LSU team also host outdoor events, including the annual Freefestmusic concert.
"We handle a lot of different events at the SU, and can progress from anintimate acoustic gig in one of the bars to a 3,390 capacity dance clubin one night, so flexibility is key to the success of our events. Also,the bar and technical staff are predominantly students so we needed goodquality gear, which is robust and easy to use," explains stage manager,Jim Brown. "Allen & Heath's range of products ticked all the rightboxes, giving us top quality DJ mixers; compact, portable mixers; largerconsoles capable of managing live bands, and a sophisticated audiodistribution system."
A Xone:464 was installed in the 1,750 capacity Room 1, which hosts avariety of events including a weekly comedy club, and regular DJ's.There is also a mobile flight-cased Xone:62 for use in other areas, orif a top visiting DJ is playing on the main stage, which has recentlyincluded Pendulum, Kosheen, Dave Pearce, Scott Mills, Sara Cox, Spoony,Trevor Nelson, and Westwood.
The venue has most recently upgraded its live rig with the installationof a 32-channel GL2800 multi-purpose live sound mixer, and matching32-channel GL2800M dedicated monitor desk. The GL consoles arecomplemented by a KT and BSS graphic and EQ, Yamaha FX and Drawmerprocessors.
Brown says: "The desks are incredible value and increase the scope of the events wecan handle in house. Quite simply, where else can you get a monitor deskwith the GL2800M's feature set at that price?"
A Mixwizard handles the smaller acoustic gigs held in more intimateareas of the venue. "It's a good desk for squeezing in discreetly and has proved to be veryreliable," continues Brown.
All the venue's PA set ups are routed through an iDR system, whichenables signals from any of the sound booths - or the various plug-inpoints dispersed throughout the venue - to be routed to any of the roomsand a queue speaker system.
"The iDR has proved invaluable for the kind of events we host, as weoften have several acts playing music to different areas requiringrouting and level changes to be triggered at different times. The iDRhas also helped tremendously in complying with noise agreements withlocal residents, enabling us to automatically turn off external speakersat 23:30. We're very happy with the system."
The iDR sits on the venue's network, and, if needed, managers ortechnical staff can connect to and edit programming quickly and easily.Three Intelliplates are also installed around the venue to give barmanagers control over volume and the ability to change the DJ feed tothe PA in their area.
"This aspect of the system greatly reduces the demands on staff, as theiDR recalls programmed settings, reverting to a standard setting in thedaytime, whereby TV is routed throughout the building, and recallingpresets for the themed events in the evenings. Once you've establishedthose presets, it's pretty much 'set and forget'," concludes Brown.
All mixing products were supplied through LMC Audio.
(Chris Henry)