"The maXim is easy to use and the PatPad, although integrated into the console, is a separate module which I like," said Duffy. "It's good the way you can use the maXim as a straight preset console or a scene-style console and advance from there. The maXim allows you to start with something really basic, such as one fader per light and you advance from there. This progressive learning makes it ideal for schools. Some of the other consoles on the market require you to master quite a bit before they'll do anything.
"With its PatPad and other features, I believe that the maXim is a better way to go for teaching students about moving lights in the longer term. They can always rent some moving lights as required and concentrate on learning the basic 2-preset and scene modes first."Duffy commented that it is simple to get the maXim up and running in fact almost instantly without reading the manual and let's face it, most men operate this way.
"That's my usability test!" laughed Duffy. "I purposely turn gear on and if I can use it without opening the manual then I know it's not bad."
Duffy programmed a few simple operations, such as chases, into the maXim to get the school started. "I showed them how to do a few things such as preset scenes and they got the hang of the console fairly quickly," added Duffy. "They've done a couple of minor productions since then and they've had no problems."
Accompanying the maxim are two LSC iPAK dimmers which Duffy found easy to install and he reports that they have been running well with no problems. "The price of the maXim and also the dimmer packs was very good," said Duffy. "And of course they're Australian made which is a bonus."
(Lee Baldock)