On 12 February, M3 was commissioned to capture and mix the music audio for the 54th annual Grammy Awards, broadcast live in 5.1 on CBS-TV from the Staples Centre in Los Angeles. In the company's dual Eclipse and Horizon trucks, mixers John Harris and Eric Schilling, along with M3 Engineer-in-Charge Joel Singer, were on site to ensure the audio would be of the highest quality, and they chose Genelec 8200 Series Active DSP Monitoring Systems.
Genelec DSP systems consisting of 8250A Bi-Amplified Active DSP Monitors (in an L-C-R array) and 8240A Bi-Amplified Active DSP Monitors (L-R rear), along with 7260A Active DSP Subwoofers, were used in M3's Eclipse truck for the live music mix, as well as in the identical mirrored system in the Horizon offline remix truck.
John Harris stated, "Year after year, Genelec Active Monitoring continues to be the industry standard for high-end monitoring solutions, without question. Their performance is totally consistent show after show, and the sound is the most musical we've ever used. With the ability to optimize the surround speaker field with the DSP technology, Genelecs offer the peace of mind of knowing our monitors are exactly what we need them to be."
(Jim Evans)