Advancements include a new, more efficient reflector technology for greater output, fast and quiet movement, a variable frost filter for zoom effect and a CMY colour mixing system with a complementing colour wheel, say Martin. The company also says that a highly effective, multi-layered dichroic reflector gives the MAC 250 Wash an exceptional output - surpassing its competitive peers using condenser based optical systems. Using the industry standard long-life, Philips MSD 250/2 discharge lamp (included) and the standard Fresnel lens, the MAC 250 Wash covers a wide area (19°-35°) with a great uniformity of coverage. For added flexibility, a simple change to a 59° diffuser lens (included) makes wide beam angles possible (52°-66°). A CMY colour mixing system is included, while a separate six-slot plus open colour wheel complements with colour correction and other filters. All colour slots are replaceable and split colours are possible, say the company.
Other features include a variable frost filter, an enhanced high-resolution dimming system similar to the MAC 2000, a fast 20Hz shutter for strobe effect and new fan technology to further improve the quietness of the performance.
(Lee Baldock)