Macula was made available for demonstrations at a special Open House at Christie Lites Times Square

USA/Denmark - LC Innovations has announced that by permission and an agreement with PRG, the Macula remote followspot system is now available for sales in North America.

LC Innovations is a branch of Litecom Group, based in Denmark. Founders and owners Morten and Rasmus Bremer created this branch of the company for their latest innovation, the Macula Remote Follow Spot. The 100% open-source software means the Macula system is able to control any moving head in the intelligent fixture market.

Emil Krog, product manager of Macula explains: “The High Resolution Fluid Head in the Macula system adds the organic feel of handling a followspot and allows for a tighter focus on the performer than previously achievable. Plus, the new firmware version 0.99 includes support for PosiStageNet (PSN) transmission. This upgrade allows the system to send real-time position data - to any device or software solution that can receive PSN. The full list of features and specifications are available on the company’s website.”

Macula was made available for demonstrations at a special Open House at Christie Lites Times Square in New York City in February, and the response was overwhelming. The event, complete with Danish red hot dogs and Carlsberg, was the first appearance of Macula in North America, pending the signed agreement with PRG. Macula has already been embraced outside North America and is currently being used on productions including Hamilton, X-Factor and Singapore National Day.

PRG holds the licence for all ground control systems sold in North America, necessitating a signed agreement with Macula before any sales of the system. With an agreement now in place, the system will soon be available from North American dealers.

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