Filming began in October 2001 and involved 24 volunteers from Hull and East Yorkshire, all of whom were of similar ages to the original soldiers. The volunteers spent two weeks in an authentically constructed trench system in Northern France. Big Sound, based in Wales, was asked to provide speaker and 5.1 surround systems that would deliver the sound effects in the most realistic form. Another requirement Big Sound had to consider was the need for the systems to deliver high-end sound effects while remaining as far away from the actual set as possible so that they didn't interfere with camera sight. Big Sound opted for a mixture of powered speakers and mini stacks of powered cubes.
Duncan Wild, senior engineer at Big Sound, told us: "The sound delivery was so realistic, especially the 5.1 of bullets flying over the top of trenches, that the actors didn't realise they were listening to a series of sound effects delivered through powered speakers and mini stacks of powered cubes." Pyrotechnics were used for main scenes with additional sound processed through the PA system. The Trench is due for release on BBC2 in Month 2002.
(Ruth Rossington)