One is the largest multi-show production ever produced in Israel, an extravagant performance that showcases Rita's talents. The format of the show was taken from such shows as Cirque Du Soleil and Celine Dion's A New Day in Las Vegas. One features acrobats, high wire acts, fire, water, 70 dancers and a huge 30m x 7m black projection screen. The stage spans over 33m wide by 20m deep with a lighting rig that includes 50 Mac 700 Profiles, 60 Mac 600 washlights, 24 Mac 550 profile spots, eight Mac 2000 Performances and four Atomic 3000 strobes along with 350 dimmers and 42 scrollers. Several DF-50s and Martin Magnum series foggers provide the haze.
The lighting rig was supplied jointly by Martin distributor Lightone of Israel and Kilim Light & Sound, one of the lighting rental companies in the country. All the Mac 700 Profiles and 24 of the MAC 600s were supplied brand new by Lightone with support provided by both companies.
"I started the project by creating a 3D MSD (Martin ShowDesigner) model off the AutoCAD drawing sent to me by the stage and set designer," says assistant LD and programmer Ofer Brum. "I then added the lighting rig sent to me by Avi Yona Bueno (Bambi), the project LD.
"Due to a very tight schedule on site, the next stage was to connect MSD to the lighting console and start programming offline. After two weeks we moved the whole system to the warehouse where the stage was set. We started to supervise the project on site while continuing to add elements using MSD. It also proved a good solution while doing last minute, on site modifications to the lighting rig since the hanging structure was loaded down, not leaving much room for the lighting rig.
"MSD proved to be a very reliable tool. The lighting cues were very accurate to the point that even position palettes needed very little tweaking on site. We completed about 70% of the programming using MSD. For a project of this scale, we never would have achieved such detailed programming (more then 700 cues) without the ability to program offline. The new Mac 700 Profile did a nice job and all in all the system worked very well. The show looks outstanding."
(Chris Henry)