In response to market requests for a zoom system in a mid-range fixture, Martin has included a fully motorized zoom in the MAC 550, capable of beam angles from 14-30°. Unlike step zoom systems that offer only two or three different beam angles, the MAC 550's zoom can achieve any beam angle within the range. Lenses inside the MAC 550 come with optical coatings to decrease light loss and improve projection characteristics. The lens system also comes with remote focus control for easy adjustment of the sharpness of the image projected.
The MAC 550 also features a six-slot (plus open) rotating gobo wheel with 16-bit accuracy, with all gobos replaceable. Also included is a nine-slot (plus open) fixed gobo wheel, also with a set of replaceable gobos. Finally, a gobo animation system is included, the same as that pioneered by Martin in the MAC 2000 Performance. All the unique effects achievable with the Performance - including rising flames, drifting clouds, driving rain and turbulent water - are achievable with the MAC 550.
Two colour wheels are included, each fitted with eight colours, plus open. All colours on both wheels are replaceable, enabling designers to customize the fixture to their own particular requirements. Along with a wide palette of standard colours, colour correction filters are also included - a half minus green filter for television applications along with two CTC filters, one giving a lower color temperature and one a higher colour temperature. Furthermore, a new colour and gobo wheel motor driver system provides for faster bump speed.
Other features include a smooth, combined dimmer/shutter which can also provide instantaneous blackouts and variable speed strobe effects, a motorized iris for reducing the beam size and a replaceable, rotating, three-facet prism.
(Lee Baldock)