Roberto Ramirez, Fulkas Camacho and Showco’s Jorge Jimanez (photo: Louise Stickland)

Mexico - PRO3 – one of Mexico’s leading lighting and visual design studios, which also has a large stock of its own lighting equipment – has invested in more Robe moving lights in the last 18 months with the purchase of Fortes, Spiiders and RoboSpot systems.

The company was started in 2012 by three individuals all passionate about letting and delivering the best and most exciting shows and live experiences – Fulkas Camacho, Osvaldo Giuliano ‘Chicho’ and Juan Carlos Zamudio ‘Charly’, who are all lighting designers in their own right.

They brought new energy, innovation, enthusiasm and ideas to the Mexican production scene and have enjoyed considerable success working with a series of music and corporate clients. The company is still growing, and the ideas never stop flowing, with everyone bringing different personalities, concepts and originality to the PRO3 party.

Fulkas explained how Robe products have helped fuel the company’s expansion as an equipment supplier for their own creative projects. There are now almost 300 Robe lights in the inventory, an investment plan that started with Pointes, was followed up with MegaPointes and Spiiders, then most recently, Fortes and RoboSpot systems. These – plus other lights – are constantly in use.

PRO3 was one the first to commit to Fortes in Mexico, elucidated Fulkas. They were all impressed by the power of the fixtures and by their excellent colour changing characteristics.

The Fortes – they now have a substantial quantity of these flagship fixtures – were delivered in 2024 in two batches via Robe’s Mexican distributor, Showco. The first Forte project was for a large TV show in Mexico City for which PRO3 is the lighting supplier, and since then, they have been out on numerous shows and tours.

PRO3’s Fortes are used regularly on their RoboSpot systems and also MegaPointes. They have received some “excellent” training from Showco, and remote follow spotting which is another transferable and valuable skill set they can pass on to their technicians and crew.

PRO3 is now a medium-sized company with around 20 full-time employees and 60 or so regular freelancers – with a big reputation and a lot of respect in Mexico and the primary Latin markets, with considerable ambitions still ahead.

Fulkas visited the Robe factory a few years ago and appreciated the set-up, the excellent engineering and the diligence that goes into hand-producing every Robe product as well as the investment in people. “It’s a similar work ethic to what we practice here,” he stated. “We concentrate on being innovative and at the forefront of new ideas and always being prepared to listen learn and move forward.”

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