Meyer Panther anchors Dave Matthews Band
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DMB has carried Meyer Sound for their 25+ years of touring, and FOH engineer Tom Lyon was excited for the chance to deploy UltraSound, LLC’s Panther system on this recent run. “I had a lot of fun mixing on Panther. I noticed a certain sparkle to the top end of Dave’s guitar that I hadn’t noticed before. Everything sounded nicer through the system. When we walked around, we could tell the improvement of the coverage consistency: it sounds great off axis as it does down the middle of the coverage. I hardly had to touch the EQ on the system at all.”
The system comprised 18 Panther-L loudspeakers for left and right mains with two Panther-W per side, 10 Panther-L, and six Panther-W loudspeakers per left and right sides. Two 270-degree side hangs of 12 Leopard compact linear line array loudspeakers complemented the left and right sides.
In addition, there were flown subs of nine 1100‑LFC low frequency control elements in gradient cardioid per side with two 1100-LFCs per side on the ground. Eight Leopard loudspeakers provided front-fill across the edge of the stage with extra fills of two CQ-2 per side. Everything was driven analogue from four Galileo Galaxy Network Platforms per side.