Amy Luley - director of global sales operations
USA - Meyer Sound has promoted Amy Luley to the position of director of global sales operations. In her new capacity, Luley will assume responsibility for overseeing and coordinating operational activities of the Meyer Sound sales teams both in the United States and internationally.
Luley was promoted to the new position based on the e sales success achieved in her prior position as director of U.S. sales operations. She will continue in that role, but now in addition to Meyer Sound’s team of sales managers in the United States, her responsibilities have been extended to include supporting the operational activities of director of international sales Scott Gledhill (Asia Pacific), Meyer Sound Europe managing director Wolfgang Leute (sales for Europe, Middle East, and Africa), and director, Latin America operations Jocelyn Moras. She will continue to report to senior vice president John McMahon.
“Amy played a major role in driving our sales team to set a new record for U.S. sales in 2022, and now we want to bring that same energy and skillset to the global stage,” says McMahon. “She has an ability to not only grasp the big picture of our global sales and marketing strategy but also to apply the focused mindset needed to manage the myriad of details and decisions that turn strategy into measurable results.”
Luley joined Meyer Sound in 2014 and was principally responsible for introducing the salesforce platform and leveraging its power to boost the efficiency and productivity of the company’s sales efforts.
“I’m looking forward to working directly with our international sales teams,” says Luley. “My focus will be on supporting their efforts with processes and tools to help them achieve higher sales. I’ll also help to make sure their customers — our dealers and distributors — are up to date on all the resources they have available, not just new products, but also new marketing tools as they become available.”

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