"The city's Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre hosts some of South Africa's biggest arts events including the Durban International Film Festival and Poetry Africa festivals," explains Ryan Selby of Prosound. "We installed a Midas PRO1 to ensure that this particular Panto's scene changes, many of which have to happen almost instantaneously, will work. These would have been unachievable with the venue's previous desk."
The move marks the first time Beauty and the Beast sound designer Megan Levy, of DarkHorse Productions, had used a PRO1. With only three days to familiarise herself with the console she was a bit apprehensive. However, after only 20 minutes Megan was comfortably programming the show. "I haven't looked back! Now in the third week of our run, I can say it really is a pleasure to use," she comments.
"The desk responds exceptionally fast, which is critical, especially in the opening number. I've also been impressed by the audio quality in general and the automation has greatly simplified the operation of an otherwise complex show. Coming from an 'old-school' analogue background, the PRO1 has proved to be the most 'theatre friendly' digital console I have used so far."
Prosound's Ryan Selby also provided on-site training and support as Megan familiarized herself with the console. She reports that she has been delighted with the quality of the back up and service.
(Jim Evans)