"Any misgivings we felt about running a festival on digital consoles were lost after the first day," says EFX systems tech Bill Laing, who worked with the XL8s alongside EFX's Stevie Murray. "First time users found the consoles immediately familiar thanks to the traditional channel strip layout and easy channel access. Bands that already had show files were easily integrated into the show using the powerful and easy to use show editor."
EFX's XL8s were used by more than 90% of engineers working on the Radio 1/NME stage. The Chemical Brothers' engineer Shan Hira was just one. "I wasn't a complete novice on the XL8 as I'd spent time at Midas putting together a starting point for the T in The Park show," he says. "As a long time XL4 user it was nice that the desk felt like a Midas and the metering was the same."
(Jim Evans)