New features included in the comprehensive upgrade include: Solo Follow Select on the PRO1; the ability to disable automation buttons on the control surface; user can now turn bulkhead fans off and restart automatically; the ability to flatten the GEQ from the surface; 48k capability for DL15x and DL25x Series I/O devices plus compatibility with ver. 2.09, or higher M32 console firmware. Support has also been added for the DL155 and DL231, and the user can now update all I/O via AES50 on all consoles. A recovery system is now available for all PRO Series consoles and the "patching" page can be locked to prevent unauthorized changes.
Music Group VP sales, Professional Division, Graham Rowlands commented: "The G2.5 firmware represents a tremendous upgrade to our class leading PRO Series consoles and I/O boxes. Plus thanks to the indispensable input from our loyal customers, we've enhanced overall system performance and stability to an unprecedented level."
(Jim Evans)