Like Motorhead, Audiolease's Steve Sunderland can look back to the '70s when it all started. "I've always liked Midas, and, as a general rule, over the years we've always stuck to it. Everybody knows where they are with Midas, quite literally, as the ergonomics are so well-known by today's engineers. The general consensus is that they're the best-sounding desks ever made."
The new Heritage 3000 console is being used by front-of-house engineer Dave Hillsden. There is another Midas desk on monitors, where engineer Ian Dobbie is using an XL3. Audiolease is providing Motorhead with a L-Acoustics V-Dosc system, which, together with the Heritage desk, will then go on to service a new year tour by The Pogues.
(Lee Baldock)