Now, exactly nine years after the formation of A.C. Lighting, Inc their name is changing to A.C.T Lighting, Inc. This change in name does not represent any change in the way the business is run or in the ownership of the company, but is a recognition of the separate and distinct identity that A.C. Lighting, Inc. now holds in the US market.
The new name for A.C. Lighting in the U.S. is A.C.T Lighting, Inc. Bob Gordon, president and CEO of A.C.T Lighting, talked about the motivations behind the name change: "As we have grown as a company, we have developed our own unique style which very much separates us in the market from A.C. Lighting Ltd. I think as time has gone on our strategies, goals and product portfolios have diverged to such an extent that it was now time for us to have a unique identity so that we have a recognizable brand not just in the US but in international markets as well."
A.C.T Lighting, Inc (A.C.T stands for Architectural, Concert, Theatrical) will continue to use existing email and web addresses until after this year’s LDI show. However, new email and website addresses are up and running as of 1 July.
To update contact information, simply add a ‘t’ to the email address: hence becomes The company’s address, phone and fax numbers all remain the same.
(Lee Baldock)