In true Neil Young fashion, the base system began with the oldest lights in the business, fresnels, lekos and scoops. From there Wissmar layered on the latest technology, LED fixtures including GRN Battens and GRN Washes. All the equipment was suspended from various Matthews grip stands and 16' crank up towers. The power draw was minimal due to the LED gear, and the colour washes were all achieved with the LED fixtures.
The theatrical fixtures gave Young just what he wanted for a visual; the old theatre look. The piece-de-resistance for the show was two custom-made lampshades that Wissmar himself manufactured. Wissmar began with two large old plastic gymnasium style lampshades, and attached hundreds of various jewels around them. They became not only visual showpieces in the evening, but also served as general illumination as Young sat at two separate keyboards.
(Jim Evans)