"This was a new construction project which was phase two of the University Center renovation," began Eric Cope, USI assistant professor of lighting design. "In the new space everyone wanted a visually dynamic environment which led to the design of two large LED walls flanking the stage of the theatre that we could use for both performances and educational purposes. To control it, we needed a console that would give us pixel mapping abilities along with control of all our other intelligent and LED lighting instruments, and that's how we found the NEO lighting control console."
Cope continued, "In the original project bid, we were planning to use a Strand Palette VL Console, but knowing the plans for the LED wall, Steve Rust at Theatre Projects saw the NEO at LDI and suggested we change the spec to NEO due to its pixel mapping control option. The idea of now being able to operate the LED wall with a single system as well as control all of our other lighting instruments with the same intuitive effects engine that is inside NEO was far more advantageous to us."
Inside the new USI Performance Centre, the majestic LED wall rises above the catwalks, measuring approximately 33ft high. To light the wall, approximately 1100 Philips Color Kinetics iColor Flex nodes were installed, powered by 39 separate PDS-60 power supplies.
Cope explained further, "Because we needed to operate each CK iColor Flex power supply on its own universe, we purchased three universes of DMX with the console and then we are using 39 universes as part of the Philips Advantage feature. So our NEO is currently controlling 42 universes of DMX."
Having never seen NEO before its installation, Cope relied upon the advice from his longtime colleague Bobby Harrell whom he had worked with previously in New York City. It was Harrell that assured him that NEO would not only be the best product for their unique control challenges, but also for the educational value the students.
"I teach a programming class using four different console platforms and I try to give the students a good bit of cross-training between the various consoles," said Cope. "What I love about the NEO that the others simply don't offer is an easy to use pixel mapping feature. Pixel mapping is very hot with contemporary lighting design and I like to prepare our students for the myriad of productions that they will encounter once they graduate. When it comes to dealing with advanced lighting products such as moving lights, LED fixtures, and pixel mapping, the NEO lighting control console gives them a great taste of that world and it's very intuitive."
(Jim Evans)