Distributed by Avanquest UK, experts in business process management solutions and compliance, Qudos offers a viable, cost effective solution to quality managers, compliance managers and CEO's in a wide range of business areas from health to manufacturing. Qudos System 3 provides the infrastructure to run any compliance or business management system - for ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 14001 Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and various legal and regulatory compliance arrangements. Its flexible design allows additional compliance requirements to be incorporated and addressed as needed.
The effective management of compliance and risk is now critical to the survival and success of public and private-sector organizations alike. The penalties of non-compliance or ignoring risks can be severe, including: lost opportunities, business disruption, bad public relations, heavy fines and even imprisonment.
All compliance management systems have certain key elements in common - tasks that must be performed for the system to be effective. Qudos System 3 includes modules for each of them: Objectives - To set targets and plan how they will be achieved; Documents - To manage the important documents used by an organisation; Action - To log any issue, assign responsibility, plan, record & track action; Audits - To schedule and record audits; Meetings - To effectively manage meetings of any type; Human Resources - To plan employee development and record progress / training; Risk - To identify hazards / threats and assess risk levels and benchmark - to measure performance (benchmarking, surveys, vendor assessments etc.).
Rob Graham, Qudos product manager commented: "Compliance, in its several forms such as The Basel ll Accord for banking, Freedom of Information for Health Trusts, and Sarbanes-Oxley for USA overseas subsidiaries and main business partners are all now issues. In addition, ISO roll out and general business process management will benefit from this excellent template. Avanquest will offer Qudos as a self populating product and also with full back up consultancy which will provide a turn key approach."
Main benefits include: Improved central control and standardization of operations; improved distribution of corporate policies and directives; reduced cost of developing procedures and other management system documents; improved reliability and reduced cost of document distribution; Improved access to performance-related information for top management and others; increased ability to capture, analyze, and respond to customer feedback - this can lead to improvements in customer relationships; improved monitoring / reporting of vendor performance - this can lead to improvements in vendor performance and relationships; shared knowledge - improved ability to learn from experience at other sites; flexible rollout - ability to incorporate sites as desired; ability to integrate management system functions on vital issues, e.g., international bench marks such as AS/NZS 4801 Occupational Health & Safety, HACCP Food Safety, ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 14000 Environment; standard tools / methods helps key staff members transfer to other sites when needed; certification: central database plus multi-site certification option which equals less auditor time on site giving greatly reduced certification / attendance costs, and less external auditor intrusion into work.
(Sarah Rushton-Read)