Placed behind host Jay Leno’s desk and guest seating area, a row of MAC 300 wash lights bathe a line of wooden columns in various shades and provide colour washes for the ceiling and beams above the set. Above the band area where Kevin Eubanks directs The Tonight Show band, MAC 300 wash lights add colour, while MAC 250 profile spots lay gobo patterns onto the floor. Meanwhile, MiniMAC wash lights are used as truss warmers to uplight the truss pillars behind the band. In the ‘live’ area, MAC 2000s are placed on the floor projecting hard edged, mid-air, beam effects upwards. MAC 250s are located in the rig above the stage with MiniMAC wash lights uplighting truss pillars surrounding the stage.
Next February, The Tonight Show will be shooting for three weeks from the Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. The rig will consist of 40 MAC 2000s, 30 MAC 500s, 40 MAC 600s and a Case console, programmed by Mark Pranzini.