"Essentially what we're providing is the PA for the audience, so it's like a mini-concert set-up," explained Tommy. "We're flying six Geo S805s with two CD12 subs per side driven by Camco Vortex 6 amplifiers with control from Nexo's NX241 digital controller. It's one of the cleanest-sounding PA systems I've heard, and of course its size gives it a huge advantage in a situation like this."
Sound Acoustics currently owns a total of 16 Geo cabinets with a further four subs, but plans to double this amount by the end of the year. "I was specifically looking for new technology to invest in, so naturally I was very interested when Fuzion's Mick Butler suggested I consider Geo. It turned out to be an excellent decision," said Tommy. "It's a great complement to our existing inventory. Every day is a learning curve, but we are so much more versatile as a result. Much of our work is corporate, so big PA systems are out of the question these days. The same goes for theatre work: we had our entire Geo stock out with the touring production of Mum's the Word, and the whole system, complete with a Yamaha 02R and a Soundweb, went in the back of a transit van! It definitely sounds bigger than it looks!"
(Ruth Rossington)