Ethan Wetzell, Roberto Musso and Jeff Berryman

Europe - The OCA Alliance has welcomed NDI as a member to the trade association. NDI offers a broad portfolio of software and technology solutions.

"Joining the OCA Alliance marks a significant leap forward in the standardisation strategy for metadata in NDI. It is also a tremendous pleasure to collaborate with such brilliant minds as the creators of AES70,” says NDI technical director, Roberto Musso. “I look forward to the opportunity to publish the guidelines for AES70 over NDI soon."  

"NDI truly needs no introduction, and the OCA Alliance is thrilled to welcome them to our membership," notes Ethan Wetzell, OCA Alliance marketing chair. "Not only is it a vote of confidence in the standard to have NDI participating, but it is also proof that AES70 is not just for audio - if it's connected, AES70 can help. We look forward to working with the team."

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