The show's video design was the work of creative director Justine Catterall, who also produced custom content for 12 songs of the set. All the hardware - including MiTrix LED screen, Catalyst control, 2 camera systems, projection and PPU - plus crew were supplied by XL Video, project managed by Des Fallon. Matt Askem directed the live IMAG mix and Stuart Heaney crew chiefed. The playback content was programmed onto two high spec Catalyst digital media servers, operated by Richard Stembridge.
Catterall's design brought a quirky and fragmented look to the stage using 36 panels of MiTrix LED screen arranged at jaunty angles, suspended on three overstage trusses, providing additional depth and dimension to the stage. The idea was initially inspired by the album artwork that features a montage of photos fitted together to make one big picture. Her overall aims for this large one-off were to enhance the show's visual presence and make it memorable.
Jonny Gaskell's lighting design followed the contours of the video effectively framing the MiTrix panels and following the same diagonal lines. He and Catterall worked closely to ensure that they presented a dynamic visuals show that united the two mediums.
(Jim Evans)