PRG account manager James Barnfather said: "With the latest version of Pixeon you can create more effects and colour mixes than before." In addition to The X Factor PRG also has Pixeon out on the set of The Good Food Show.
The latest mains-powered version of Pixeon - an LED tube, containing a dense array of RGB LEDs arranged in individual pixels - offers a more flexible controller, opening up its application into other production environments. However, its attraction to creative designers like Al Gurdon is that it reads well to television. Each pixel in the Pixeon display is controlled separately to produce both a range of colours and dynamic movement along the length of the tube; placed end-to-end patterns flow seamlessly through the system.
Another leading lighting production company that has sensed its architectural potential is Entec Sound & Light. It has incorporated 23 of its 24 x 3m lengths into Andrew Keightley's imaginative lighting design for the current Bjorn Again tour. The Pixeon chases around the outside of a house façade, which forms the framework of the stage set, with the designer praising Pixeon's colour saturation and chasing ability. Meanwhile, Entec has written some personality software, ensuring that the entire show - including the Pixeon - can be triggered from Keightley's Hog 2 desk. "As a result," said Entec director Noreen O'Riordan, "Pixeon is now becoming very tourable."
(Sarah Rushton-Read)